31 May 2024

Dear Parents/Guardians
Firstly, a massive thank you for your support of the changed arrangement for our Annual Athletics Carnival. We appreciate that it probably has been difficult to change usual Monday activities and provide transport for your children wanting to attend the Athletics Carnival.
A high percentage of the sport focused students will be attending and House numbers are fairly even.
We ask where possible students arrive at Mingara by 4.00pm.
The cost of entry for students is $5. (EFTPOS facilities will be available) (Spectators are free).
On arrival, all students are requested to move into the stand in their Age Groups.
Mr Bowers (Boys 12, 13, 14) Mr Koen (Boys 15, 16, 17+) Mr Gage (Girls 12, 13, 14) and
Ms Morrison (Girls 15, 16, 17+) will supervise and direct the groups to the Track and Field Events.
· Marshalling for the 1500m will occur at 4.10pm.
· All other Track and Field events will begin at 4.30pm.
Please be aware that due to time constraints attempts in Field Events have been set at two.
Following is the timetable of events by age group.
Where there is a clash of events, competitors report to the field event first and then proceed to the track event to participate in that event.