*Please note that stock may be delayed. Unfortunately, this is out of our control so your patience is appreciated during this time.
When students wear a school uniform, they feel included in our school community.
Students, teachers, parents and carers, as well as members of our local community helped develop our school uniform to make sure it:
- meets the requirements of occupational health and safety, anti-discrimination and equal opportunity legislation
- includes items that are affordable, comfortable and made from easy-care and easy-wear fabrics
- is appropriate for the full range of school activities
- is suitable for all body shapes.
Learn more about the NSW Department of Education’s School Uniform Policy.
Narara Valley High School Uniform Policy
Wearing uniform creates a good impression in the community and creates a positive image of the school.
It can shape expectations and influence reactions, often inaccurately. As addressed in the NSW Department of Education ‘Behaviour code for students’, students are to ‘dress appropriately by complying with the school uniform or dress code’.
The wearing of our uniform is important as it serves to identify the students of Narara Valley High School and foster our Positive Behaviour for Learning values of Respect, Responsibility and Personal Best.
Parental encouragement, positive reinforcement and persistence in the matter of uniform will be supported at school. As a school community our strength is working together. As parents and families are moving towards a new school year, many will purchase new school uniform items. It is important to stress that the School Office is the ONLY official supplier. Please see information of how to order below.
Acceptable school dress is not to be a matter of individual interpretation. If parents are having difficulty with the provision of a uniform, please contact the Principal.
Please support the school by ensuring that your children have sufficient items of school uniform and that the correct footwear is worn at all times. It is helpful to monitor what students wear to and from school as the appearance of students on their journeys to and from school as pedestrians or on public transport have a strong influence on how the community views Narara Valley High School and the wearing of the correct uniform is a reflection of student pride in themselves and the school. Our uniform at Narara Valley High School is endorsed by the school community through the Narara Valley High School Parents and Citizens Association.
Students who elect not to wear the designated uniform will be followed up in accordance with school policy. Under the School’s Discipline Code, the wearing of the school uniform is compulsory.

Narara Valley High School Safe Shoe Policy – WH&S
Black enclosed leather shoes must be worn at all times. Ballet shoes are not covered footwear. It is a WH&S requirement that students wear covered leather footwear especially for all practical activities.

Note: Thongs are never to be worn to any school activity. If the correct footwear is not worn, students will be set an alternative written task.
Uniform Requirements in Specialist Subjects
Leather style joggers, skate shoes or suede shoes are not acceptable as they do not afford sufficient protection in science laboratories and workshop conditions.
Students who fail to wear correct footwear in these courses are unable to meet mandatory course requirements and may jeopardize their attainment of the ROSA.
An approved apron must be worn in Art, Technology and Food Technology. Aprons must not be plastic coated.
Parents who are unable to outfit students in the approved uniform for financial reasons should contact the Principal.
PDHPE and Sports Uniform
The only acceptable sports uniform is the new sports uniform available from the Uniform Shop.
SRC, Student Leaders and student representatives attending formal events outside the school are required to wear school blazers. Blazers may be borrowed from the school. Students can, however, purchase/order their own blazer from the Uniform Shop if they wish to.
Uniform Pass
If your child is not able to wear correct school uniform for any given day, parents are required to provide a note explaining why this is not possible and the timeframe required to overcome the problem. The note should be handed in at the library where a uniform pass will be issued. Acceptable school dress is not to be a matter of individual interpretation. If parents are having difficulty with the provision of a uniform, please contact the Principal.
Lost Property
Parents are urged to ensure that all items of clothing and equipment are clearly marked with the student's name especially valuable equipment. Students finding any item that they know is not their property should hand the item to the school office. To keep something that is found is "Stealing by Finding".
How to order
Our uniform can be purchased via the Uniform Shop located in our front office. Payment can be made either online with an emailed order form or in person. Please see the order form below for pricing. Please note that the School Uniform Shop is the ONLY official supplier.
Our opening hours are: Monday to Wednesday 8am til 2pm.
Financial Assistance
Financial assistance is available for families to assist with the purchase of school uniforms once approved by the Principal.
We are proud of our school and school uniform, and have high expectations of our students wearing our uniform in its entirety and with pride.